A judgement-free place to talk about food.



I’m Jennifer Huelskamp (she/her), a Certified Nutrition Specialist. I firmly believe in the power of food as medicine and look forward to helping you heal yourself through diet and lifestyle changes.

My Background


Crafting a plan for you.

We will work together to determine the root cause(s) of your health concerns and use evidence-based approaches to find solutions. Whether you are looking to improve your relationship with food or searching for solutions to your health concerns, I can help.

Let's collaborate on the best ways to reach your health goals while enjoying the foods and activities you love.


Our Process


Discovery Call

Free, brief phone call to discuss your health concerns, answer questions you may have about nutrition counseling, and explore how we will work together to reach your wellness goals.

Initial Consultation

During this session I'll listen to your story and together, we will develop an action plan, tailored to your needs, to help you achieve your version of authentic health.

One-on-One Nutrition Counseling

Ongoing counseling to celebrate your successes and help navigate challenges as you work to achieve your goals. We will build on learnings from previous sessions and continuously evaluate our plan to make sure it aligns with your lifestyle.

Get in touch for your free discovery call.