About Me

I am a Certified Nutrition Specialist Candidate working with clients under the supervision of a Certified Nutrition Specialist as part of gaining my licensure. I have a master's of science degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport where I studied clinical nutrition from a functional medicine perspective.

After spending almost a decade in retail management, I decided it was time to set out on a different career path more aligned to my personal interests—anatomy and nutrition. I am continuously fascinated by the human body and all it has to offer.

I am passionate about gut health, heart health, and women’s health. These systems are critical to our wellness and are heavily influenced by the foods we eat. Did you know 1 in 6 women struggle with fertility? That approximately 40% of the population has daily digestive issues? That heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US?

For years I struggled with my own gut problems. I was scared to eat most foods for fear of how I would feel afterward. I saw multiple doctors, read books, and tried any diet or supplement that promised results. Eventually, I found a nutrition specialist who helped me restore my gut to a healthy state. Today I have a completely different relationship with food and with my body.

I have also experienced hormone imbalances on my fertility journey. Learning how to nourish your body throughout the month can have a big impact on women’s health. Specific nutrients are needed to support hormone levels, egg quality, and overall fertility. Dealing with fertility struggles can be overwhelming, stressful, and disappointing. I have found having support in all aspects of life to be helpful. From mental and emotional health to physical wellness—I’ll take all the support I can get. 

It is now more important than ever to understand how the foods we eat affect our health. Nourishing foods have the power to prevent, cure, and even reverse chronic illness. I firmly believe in the power of food as medicine and look forward to helping you heal yourself and achieve your wellness goals through diet and lifestyle changes.